105: Journal #9

When I saw the title of the first readings “Why Bilinguals Are Smarter” I first felt proud and delighted. I am in fact speaking more than one language and I cannot say that I did not feel flattered. However, after a second thought and before even looking at the second reading I had the same question in my mind what the other title questioned: "Are bilinguals really smarter?"

In fact, being bilingual has great practical benefits. It lets us communicate with a wider range of people and it also eases the learning of new languages. According to research, however, speaking more than one language affects cognitive processes as well. Apparently, the second language behaves as an interference, but it enables the brain to solve internal conflicts, which strengthens the cognitive muscles. Researchers have done several experiments in the recent years that showed that bilinguals have less problems to stay focused, switch attention and ignore distraction. Since bilinguals have to switch languages quite often they tend to be better at monitoring the environment. But does that really mean that speaking more than one language makes a smarter? Is our intelligence measured by the amount of languages we speak? Other scientists argue that it is the executive function that seems to be more developed in bilinguals. The executive function is a system that helps the brain to access certain memories when prompted. What I found interesting is the fact that we do not really mix languages. When I think about the languages I speak it is true that when I speak one language I do not mix up words or the sentence order with words and sentence structure from other languages. True, sometimes I cannot remember a certain word in one language, but I am able to fill in the gap with a word from another language. Scientists argue that for each language we lean we develop a lexicon which tells our brain how to use the word. Thus, the true relation between language and intelligence is unclear, but one cannot deny that languages improve cognitive processes and that beyond all the science of brain functioning, knowing languages makes us global citizens.  

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