Reflect on "Culture Shock"
I was having trouble viewing this video online so I will just talk about my experience with culture shock in general. I have never actually experienced complete culture shock despite all the traveling I have been fortunate enough to complete in my life. I think this is because I try and educate myself on the place I am going to before I go. I try and prepare myself for what is to come. Something I have experienced, however, is having international friends who are not used to the American ways and therefore have trouble with certain things. Whether it be with their english pronunciations, or just the American culture, it is interesting to hang out with international people and get their perspective on the American people. One thing that amazed them is the big portions given at restaurants in this country. Many internationals have mentioned that they don't know how people finish their plates! They are also amazed by the free water. I have many Indian international friends who are uncomfortable drinking from the tap here in the United States despite knowing that the water is very much clean. This is because they are used to having to be careful with the tap water in India. In India, one has to pre-boil tap water, and then put it in the fridge to drink later. It's interesting because when I am with Indians here in the United States, they almost always, ask for no ice in their drinking water, because in India people dont eat ice. Whereas when I am with Americans, they sometimes ask for extra ice! There are so many cultural differences between people, even in the smallest ways, if you pay close attention, they are really fun and interesting to notice!