105: Journal #3

Body Language/Linguistic Aspects

A major linguistic difference between English and Hindi is the alphabet. The Hindi language is made up of approximately half the vowels and double the consonants of the English alphabet. The Devanagari script consists of 10 vowels and 40 consonants. In other words the sounds phonetically and otherwise is completely different to that of the English language. It is for this reason that Hindi speakers have a difficult time pronouncing the difference between "photOgraph" and "photOgrapher", for example. However, it is also very difficult for the English speaker to get accustomed to making sounds and hearing sounds that they are not used to ever hearing. While I have been learning how to make the sounds in the Hindi language, I have personally been having a hard time making all of the sounds correctly, and making sure I hear the differences between sounds. My language partner informed me that it is easier for Hindi speakers because they have been learning the differences since they were children. However, with practice, I hope to improve! 

The following link begins to explain some of the differences between english and hindi. 


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