From what I have been exposed to thus far, I would say that the Persian culture is collectivist, monochronic, and indirect. I do not know how the internal/external aspect works right now.
Collectivist makes sense with the culture's foundation of loyalty towards family and it's honor. Nepotism is often practiced when dealing with business negotiations. Interestingly enough, the families tend to be small with one or two children, however extended family is very close.
In Iran, business etiquette calls for meetings made 4-6 weeks in advance with a week early confirmation. Since punctuality is considered a virtue, monochronic definitely fits this culture. It is however rude to track time whilst in a business meeting or other type of interaction.
Given the custom of taroof, a system of politeness that calls for superficial self-denial in an effort to appear humble, I would definitely consider the culture to be indirect. For people unaware this is rather confusing, however those that live and function within it understand it clearly... which can be said of anything.