105 Final Reflection Paper

This semester I learned that learning a language is more difficult than I expected. Going into this semester, I thought I would increase my fluency in Korean but my fluency stayed relatively the same. However, the cultural aspect of Korean was expanded significantly because of my language partner and the presentations that were given by other language learners. Since our language partner was straight from South Korea, she gave us a deep insight into Korean pop culture and colloquialism. Because she was from Korea, it gave us the benefit of learning new and changing Korean vocabulary.

Although Korean is considered one of the simplest languages to learn, I had difficulty increasing my fluency. I was already aware of some Korean because of my background and was looking to increase that fluency by speaking with less of an American accent and increasing my vocabulary. Although I did increase my vocabulary slightly, I saw no improvements in my accent. Watching lots of Korean television shows did help in showing what a native speaker talks like. However, I had trouble mimicking that accent in a proficient manner.

Because our language partner was a high school teacher and was relatively young, we were able to relate to her. She gave us insight on the current political situation that is going on in Korea and many different social issues that are ongoing. These aspects of my language learning were the most interesting to me. I was not really aware of what was going on in South Korea before this class, and this class really sparked an interest in my home country. Through this new interest I have, I can combine my language learning with current events by reading more Korean articles and watching more Korean news. 

The most useful information I learned throughout my time as a language learner was the concept of working in Korea. Since I have a possibility of securing an internship in Korea, I was eager to learn more about the work place and its correct and formal language. Minkyung provided us with different vocabulary that is used in the workplace and gave us a summary of what it is like to work in South Korea. I also found the presentations to be helpful in learning about culture as well as presentational speaking. The cultural presentations in the 105 classes helped me to understand the Korean culture and how it relates or affects the Korean language while the 110 presentations has given me a chance to practice my Korean in a presentational manner. During the 110 presentations, it gave me a chance to explore different topics like news, media and society, and trendy vocabulary.  It also gave me a chance to speak in a professional manner in Korean, a chance that I never had before. This gave me a sense of my skills in Korean and what I needed to work on. I had to think of some ways to phrase things on the fly and find a way to connect everything together.

All in all, this whole semester I learned many things about the culture as well as the vocabulary, but my overall fluency in Korean has not changed. I enjoyed this semester and learned many things including the current politics and pop culture in Korea.

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