The presenations hold in class on Feb. 11 were fascinating. The topics ranged from South Corean cuisine to the concept of Beauty in India. Surprisingly all speakers were girls except me which I found quite interesting from an observer's point of view.
I liked Gargi's explanation right at the beginning of her presentation a lot. She concluded that from a country's cuisine one gets useful information about the country's geopgraphy and its climate. One point I missed, but which I remembered from my intercultural competence class back in Vienna, was this: The kind of a country's main grain, being its most important food, determines its mentality. This is either individualism or collectivism. Since in most Asian countries people eat rice, they usually are collectivists due to the fact that planting rice needs lots of people whereas planitng wheat can be done by a few.
Moreover, I learned much from presentation about South Corea. I did not know that the cosmetic industry is so big over there and that especially men are concerned about their physical appearance. Also the distinction between discos and night clubs was interesting although I found it somewhat sad why girls go to the nightclubs. They seem to be exactly like a bordelle except they are free.