A) Current Abilities
- basic auditive and speaking skills
B) Goals
- Small Talk
- Asking the way
- Buying food at the market/ bazar
- Telling small stories
- Learn more vocabulary
- Being able to understand Bollywood movies (plot and basic conversations)
C) Tasks
1. identify typical phrases- learn phrases on omniglot.com and practice with language partner
2. identify vocabulary and phrases- practice with my language partner and memorize phrases with flashcards
3. know what is sold in an Indian market and how payment is made (bargain or fixed prices?)- learn vocabulary (Indian vegetables, fruits, spices, numbers(1-10, 20, 30, ... 100, 1000)) and practice dialogue with language partner
4. focus on storytypes: What did you do during the holidays? How was your exchange semester? What did you do yesterday night? How was the party?- ask learning partner for help and memorize basic phrases (I danced with friends. We went to a famous club. I had a great time. etc.)
5. choose topics (numbers, feelings, weather)- memorize via ankisrs.net
6. identify frequently appearing phrases and vocabs- Watch Hindi movies with subtitles/listen to songs with lyrics and write phrases and vocabs down, practice them