This month I met up with my language partner Somyung Kim. I would first like to acknowledge how special it is for me to have her as my teacher. She was my very first teacher when I started learning in freshman year and I am cherishing how she will fi
Linguistic activities are so common that it is easy to forget how complex one’s brain is processing to spit out those words. However, it is still true that languages are reserved for most advanced creatures in the world, especially this highly-develo
My goal mainly focuses on relearning Korean from a foreign language learner’s perspective.
First of all, I need to study with some Korean textbooks from beginner levels to advanced levels. This has to be focused on not only concepts themselves but al
The main idea around this article is pointing out main cultural differences that can cause miscommunication between natives of two different cultures. Some of the examples were individualist vs collectivist, monochronic vs polychronic, and in
These readings brought up a couple of very interesting concepts about language. I had never known the research about left-handed versus right-handed people processing different sides of the hemispheres. I have always heard of the left side of the bra
The readings were more complex than I thought-there were many parts that I had to reread to understand. Perhaps because I've never read anything of this sort, where language is analyzed in this manner. Firstly, I strongly agreed with the idea that th
Languages may lose native speakers over generations and continue to decrease in the number of speakers until the language has no more speakers, then the language is considered extinct– or a dead language. Something that also relates to a language dyi
The semester is almost over, and I am happy with the progress I have made over these past few months. I have decided not to continue with the SDLAP program next semester. The reason for this is because I started really looking into study abroad progr
I have been staying on track with my goals from last month so far. I started watching Merlí on Netflix. I actually am watching a spin off of it that professor Feldman recommended. It is called “Merlí Sapere Aude”, a spin off of the main character's
I have been meeting with my language partner Marionna. She is from Valencia, Spain and she is a Freshman. She explained to me that Catalan is her first language but she also speaks Spanish. She also told me that in Valencia and Barcelona school is ta
I have officially started learning Catalan! I am excited to start my language journey. Dr. Soloway recommended this program and I am interested. I am a Political Science major with a Spanish minor, hoping to study abroad in Barcelona the fall of my J
I really enjoyed my independent studying this semester, and I am surprised at how well I kept on track. I think I have a really good foundation of Catalan if I were to continue learning the language in the future. I worked on my vocabulary, grammar,
This semester I will be focusing more on my writing skills. There is a gift that my grandmother gave to me over the summer and it is a book that helps people write Korean verses of the Bible. I know it is a very simple task where I would have to writ
This month I had a hard time keeping a regular routine of writing in the Korean journal my grandmother gave to me because of all the exams and essays due before Thanksgiving break.
Over the Thanksgiving break I was able to visit Maryland. I visited
For a long time, I saw French as a close relative of English because for most instances, they have similar words, pronunciation, and grammars. However, French pronunciation contains cultural specialty as well. In French, “r” is pronounced as “h” in E
According to my research, the root of French can be found in romance languages, indo-European language family. Romance languages include not only french but also languages like Spanish and Italien. My roommate is from Barcalona and he told me that th