I wasn’t able to start my language learning this semester. However, through this class I was able to gain a new understanding in language learning. It was fascinating to learn how our diaphragm, glottis, and tongue push or pull the airstream to make
This is my last language learning journal! I can’t believe this semester is over already, and yet it also seems like it’s been so long! My last two weeks of learning Bahasa Indonesia went by so very fast, too. We spent a lot of time reviewing materia
For my cultural journal this week, I’m going to talk about the culture and lives of young Indonesian people! I learned that Indonesian teenagers listen to a lot of Western music, especially Pop and RAP, which sounds fairly similar to most American
This last week of Portuguese has gone by so fast! It was hard to believe that we had really reached the end of the timeline that we had made in the beginning. I started Portuguese with more or less the same amount of vocabulary and knowledge that I h
Imagine that you have received a research grant to conduct a linguistic study of your target language and culture. How would you get started, and what would you investigate? How would different structural components presented in class appear in your
How have you started writing in the target language? Do you prefer to type or write free hand? Have you started to see patterns emerge in the structures between words, clauses, and sentences? What is the relationship between simple and complex senten
While looking for topics on what to do for my language presentation I was struggling to find something that would be interesting but also fun. I decided to do 줄임말 or shortening words a subject that is very popular
Cultural Post # 4 K-pop Music Industry Korean Music Industry: “The Big Three” As someone who is naturally very curious and wants to figure out the history of how things were originally created and then evolved throughout the years. As a BTS fan, you
My presentation investigated why competition seems to be so heavily ingrained in Korean culture and its effect on societal expectations and pressure. In my research I found th
I started writing in my target language by typing on a keyboard, I would use Duolingo and lingodeer to practice my writing. I often write messages or look things up, and writing characters initially seemed very intimidating. Once I started freehand i