Due by 5:00pm on Sunday, January 28: Discussion Post #1 on the Ning

Reflect on the readings. Do you have any questions about the texts? Are there any claims that you find problematic? Do you think language is a purely biological phenomenon? What parts of the brain are most important for the production and comprehension of speech? How do you conceptualize or process meaning? Do these readings inspire any special insights or motivations that could help advance your foreign-language abilities, retention, and recollection?

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  • After reading the texts they were informative and I was able to understand how biological factors, such as brain factors and genetic predispositions play a role in language development. After reflecting on the readings, I could better understand the brain anatomy and how each part of the brain is responsible for speech, hearing, and movement. It was fascinating to read about how different regions of the brain work in coordination with other parts of the brain to facilitate language functions. While biological structures and genetic predispositions play a crucial role in language development, cultural and environmental factors also contribute significantly. The most important areas for speech production involve areas such as Broca’s area in the frontal lobe, while comprehension involves Wernick’s area in the temporal lobe. These parts of the brain work together to facilitate language functions. On the other hand, the process of meaning involves a network of brain regions including the association areas in the cerebral cortex. It’s a complex interplay of semantic, syntactic, and contextual information.

    After reading I can acknowledge the importance of biological and environmental factors when learning a language. In my experience, a way to enhance my language learning is to surround myself with the language every day, little and often. Having music playing in the background, studying the grammar, and watching videos. Most importantly chatting with a friend. I am also aware that exposure practice, and possibly most importantly cultural exposure can enhance language acquisition. It was extremely useful and interesting to learn about the neuroscience behind language learning. The readings not only inspired me to advance my language learning but also to research the neuroscience of language.

  • Both readings introduced me to concepts that I don’t often think about. While its obvious that learning a language is a ‘mental task,’ I would not usually think of the process as relating to specific areas of the brain. I wish that the first article had included some more information about differences between people and ways to boost knowledge intake. I also wish they went a little bit deeper into the different processes of understanding and producing speech— although a lack of research might be affecting that. Considering the relationship between listening and speaking ability in most learners in their second languages, it is surprising to me that they might belong to different processes in different parts of the brain. 

    I had also never considered the naturalist view that stems from Plato’s arguments. Considering the differences between languages it seems hard to defend this naturalist argument that words and the things they refer to are naturally connected. While the author gives a few examples of words that are connected to nature, it seems obvious that most words are entirely arbitrary creations to help us communicate better. I wonder if intonation could be something innately human, however. While words change across the world, it seems to me that intonation to show whether something is a question or to demonstrate respect or other emotions is a fairly universal practice that often appears in the same way. I would be interested to hear more about this from any students taking Korean— my own experience is limited to Western European, Indian, and semitic (arabic) languages which all seem to have similar intonation, it would be interesting to see if a completely unrelated language like Korean differs from this.
    The last part of the second reading connected more to language learning and made me think more about collocations in particular. While I had heard of it before, I have not used collocations extensively in my language study, which has been a weakness in my learning. Going forward I will try to focus a bit more on these common phrases so that I can speak a bit more authentically, rather than expressing my thoughts (in Spanish or Portuguese) as translated English. I say this because I sometimes find myself saying things like pedir una/uma pregunta, rather than hacer/fazer, despite this being a common collocation that I should have memorized. Going forward I plan to incorporate this much more into my learning plan.
  • After reading the given materials, I wondered if people damage their brain, then will there be high possibility for them to get their language learning skills influenced. Also, if their part of the brain is replaced or healed in the future with developed technology, will there be chance where they can have their learning abilities again? I found some of the claims lack supporting details. It could have been better if some of the ideas are proven according to other resources. I believe language is not purely biological phenomenon as there can be influence from the surrounding environment. Temproal lobe is most important for the production and comprehension of speech. People conceptualize or process meaning by encoding brain structures, like semantic and syntactic. These readings gave me motivations in terms of there are countless researches that I can utilize as a resource to help me in my foreign-language abilities development like the given reading materials. 

  • The text from this week was actually very interesting; breaking down the way your brain processes information is something that I have researched in the past. I think that the topic of language and where it might originate is somewhat up in the air; we assign meaning to things, and meaning changes over time, so to say that language is purely biological is somewhat confusing to me. The two main areas that are important to language are the Brocas area and the Wernicke's Area, which do most of the heavy lifting, although there are many areas of the brain that engage in complex language tasks.  The Topic of conceptualization and making meaning through words again leads me back to my first point we assign meaning to words, and that meeting can change over time and shift through centuries. The words don't have meaning on their own; they would just be letters at that point and sounds, but as a society, we assign meaning to those words, which then builds the language. Using this idea in my studies, I want to know how the meaning of these words I am learning has shifted over time. Are there new meanings to common phrases in Korean, or are new words being added to an index? I also plan on using context in my studies. For instance, if you have a word like “bread”/or/ “toast,” I may know the meaning of bread and toast in Korean but not, but by using context clues, I can infer that the middle word must be something like and/or etc. 

    • I really liked your analysis here, Logan. In particular, your example using the words like "bread" and "toast" really exemplifies the importance of context clues that make language learning so much easier and intuitive than what is has to be. Even I relied on them when learning English in middle and high school.

  • I found both readings very informative on how languages work on a physiological and philosophical level. While I knew beforehand that language comprehension, as well as other tasks are usually present in specific parts of the human brain, my understanding was very shallow. Now I can understand terms like Broca area and its function in speaking, as well as Wernicke’s area, focused on comprehension ability. In addition, I never really thought of language in the way it is discussed in "How we mean," by describing the philosophical and logical structures that conform them. For terms that just come to second nature like "meaning," "sense," and "reference" one simply does not think for a second about their own meaning, significance, and contexts. As such, opening my eyes to such knowledge like the difference between "sense" and "reference," which is that the former refers to the meaning of a word in its own language, while the latter refers to the meaning of a word outside of languages, or the "real world."

    The question of which of these two elements is more pivotal to a language in itself is rough to answer, especially for someone with as little knowledge on the topic as me. Ultimately, I believe the answer is somewhere in the middle, as different languages and individuals have complexities to them that make their own languages and learning experiences completely different from one another.

    These readings have made my understanding of languages a little more thorough and holistic, rooted both in natural science and semantics. One direct effect these new concepts will have are to look for senses and references of words, rather than just the former, in order to look for patterns and cues that will make my learning experiences more effective and fulfilling.

  • I think the debate of whether language is purely a biological phenomenon is a complex topic. While I do believe there is a biological basis for language including the development of specific brain structures for language processing, I do think that the role of culture and environment in shaping language is very significant.
    The production and comprehension of speech involve various brain regions. Broca's area, located in the frontal lobe, is associated with speech production, while Wernicke's area, located in the temporal lobe, is linked to language comprehension. Additionally, other areas, such as the angular gyrus and arcuate fasciculus, play roles in language processing.
    The conceptualization and processing of meaning are intricate processes that involve multiple brain regions. Semantic processing, or the understanding of meaning, involves the integration of information from various sensory and cognitive areas.
    As for insights or motivations to advance my foreign-language abilities I think techniques like immersion, active recall, and exposure to diverse language contexts are often recommended for language learning. Understanding the cognitive mechanisms behind language processing can provide insights into effective learning approaches.

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