In my first artifact, I talked about how I learned about the prefixes of the different types of school levels last semester and I was able to add on to this topic by learning the parts of the month, which are also related through the prefixes. Just as a refresher, the first level for both (elementary/beginning) was“cho” and the second level for both was “joong.” It was interesting to see how both the first and second levels were the same, but I was even more fascinated that the last levels seemed to be different for both. For school levels, the last level (high school) was “go,” while its equivalent for parts of month (end) was “mal.”
This made me wonder if these similarities and differences would apply to other types of these ideas. Therefore, I researched about the levels of social status and found out that the only similarity between all three was the second level (middle) aka “joong!” This made a lot of sense because the middle level was the easiest to remember overall, which is probably due to its repetition in all three topics.
In contrast, both the first and second levels were different for social class. For example, the first level (lower class) was “ha” and the last level (upper class) was “sang.” It was cool to see the similarities between the second levels and the differences in both the first and last level. I’m looking forward to see if there are other topics that I can compare and contrast with as well!