I enjoyed this reading especially the section on reading and writing. I can read 4 different alphabets (English, Bangla, and two different ones for Japanese) as well as some kanji. But I really wish to improve my reading and writing abilities for Bangla. The reading section starting on page 121 talked about the different ways we read. I unfortunately when I read Bangla usually read out-loud and have to first pronounce the word out and subsequently try to recognize the meaning. This process is long and arduous. However when I read English, I obviously do not do this, but read extremely fast looking at phrases as a whole instead of the individual words (the ear theory). I hope that someday I will be able to pick up a Bengali newspaper and do that someday. Ultimately, I think this skill will only be developed with practice.
As for artifacts, my goal was to write 5 sentences for every time I met with my language partner. I think this practice helps a ton, but the last few weeks I have only written 5 sentences every week. Anyway I plan on scanning those in and using them for artifacts. I also think a recording or video of me counting to 50 would be a good artifact. Bengali counting is not regular, so it is extremely hard to remember. My language partner is actually working on Bengali numbers with me because they are so hard!