Learning Journal #1

Maybe this model will help me divide my time into activities.

Under the FIRE model I also like situations in which I am told how to do a certain task.  I would much rather not find a new way.  I ignore recognition for helping and good team work.  Being able to learn on my own time and how I want to will be much better when I am certain of what to do. 

Looking at the fire model, I am mostly factual (the first one).  I prefer reading than talking because I am visual.  I guess it helps to review material in a different way each time so I am not bored into muscle memory and continue to grow.  


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  • two resources from global studio: farsi english dictionary; teach myself farsi cd and book from global studio helpdesk.

    web-based resources: utexas.edu/persian and youtube

  • My language experience is first French then Spanish.  I think the common Latin roots threw me off since words are pronounced differently in each.  I took two and a half years of french when I started to have trouble reading Cyrano de Bergac.  In Spanish, i took two semesters here at UR and had little experience writing it.  Farsi is like Spanish in the sense that it has the same spelling as Arabic but is pronounced differently; as I mispronounced Spanish as french words.  The fact that it is a "consonental writing system" means that pronunciation marks (called diacritics) are hidden; that make vowels short except for the Koran (http://sites.la.utexas.edu/persian_online_resources/the-writing-sys...)

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