Unitha Cherry
In my starting research I have found that what interests me most about my target culture is the intersection of Judaism into Israeli culture. While in America for the most part there is a separation of church and state to some degree Judaism is Israeli culture. Hebrew being the language of Judaism is the language of Israel. Many travel blogs recount that to foreigners’ Israeli people can seem rude but it is due to the bluntness of the Hebrew language and in reality, many Israelis are very friendly. In the case of Hebrew and Judaism I think that because Judaism is based in the promise between G-d and the Children of Israel is it so enmeshed in society. For example, no transportation is available on Shabbat which starts Friday night and is until Saturday evening. This is because in Jewish tradition one is not supposed to drive, work or cook on Shabbat. When it comes to the intersection of Hebrew, Judaism and Israeli culture I think that I do need some language in terms of understanding the religion but I think that because of my own involvement with Judaism I have some understanding of how to talk about it. I will say however in the vain of Communicative Competence I do think that will be gaining the needed Sociolinguistic competence will come as I learn more about the culture and even still it may not come because that is something you get from being in a culture. Sensitivity to different dialects comes from being aware that there are linguistic nuances and being able to hear them and I can not yet do that.