Biweekly Report 7

When I was reviewing over all the materials with Jimin, I never knew I learned so much. It was really cool to see that I can answer questions on the Korean history since the beginning of the country up until the modern day. Also, after learning a lot of slangs, I've applied them to real life by using some of them to my friends. Also, when a certain situation came up, I used Korean proverbs to describe the situation. During the final exam, I also used the concepts we learned to answer some extra credit questions. I wasn't sure if it would follow the rules 100%, but it was amazing to see that I have come so far in Korean.

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  • I completely understand what you mean -- when reviewing for my final exam, I realized that I have actually learned a lot this semester. I can read Korean without any difficulty! I think learning Korean slangs is also very helpful, can help us understand the culture better. It's definitely something I want to learn next semester.

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