- Post your second bi-weekly report on your language-learning activities.
- Baby Shark
- Types of stores
- 으러 가다
These past two weeks, Seong Hye Teacher gave us the lyrics to Baby Shark. However, she left some areas of the song blank. She challenged us to listen closely and fill the blanks in if we could. I thought this was a great challenge because listening and reading comprehension are so different. It is one thing to read the lyrics as you listen to a song, but it is another to actually listen carefully and try to decipher what the word is. It requires a more active stance of learning that reading itself does not offer. I thought this activity was very enjoyable overall.
In addition, we also learned some vocabulary words for what types of stores we are going to. For example, if you wanted to go to a department store, such as Nordstrom, you would say 백화점. If you are going to a bakery, you could say 빵집. If you are going to a flower store, you would say 꽃 가게. I appreciated this activity because while some words were review, a lot of words were also words I never used before. Instead of saying store in Korean, the next time I go somewhere, I could be more specific and shed more light in where I am going.
We also learned how to accompany saying we are going to a store with the words -으러 가다. If we want to say someone is going to go to a certain store, the sentence structure would be: ____ -으러 가다. The words can be changed slightly to match who is doing the going to the store/ whether you want to make it a request.