Finding Books in Your Language

A number of people have asked about finding children's books, 'easy readers', and popular fiction in the SDLAP languages.  The Global Studio has children's books in Swahili and Turkish (thanks to Professor Grove), and I'm willing to buy more.  However, I prefer to buy books that are culturally authentic, i.e., not translated from English.


I have found the following online bookstores that seem to have a good selection.  Please send me (Prof. Scinicariello) a list of things you think would be useful and, of course, fun.  (Please do keep the price reasonable.)


Boi-Mela (books in Bangla)

Bengali Books Online

IsraelBooks (Hebrew)

Irani Book (books in Farsi)

Ketabe Iran (books in Farsi)

Raha Books (books in Farsi)

A1Books (an Indian online bookstore, so there are books in Hindi and Bengali)

Thai Book World

Pink Lemon (books and magazines in Thai)

World Language (most SDLAP languages, but not all materials are culturally authentic)