Jeremy Um posted a status
Jan 22
Discussion Post #1

I think that language to the extent that it allows us as creatures to communicate is a biological phenomenon. Granted, over time, we as a species have evolved in order to carry out more efficient and meaningful ways of communicating. In this regard, communicating is crucial for survival and allows us to carry out every day tasks and allows us to collaborate and work with one another in society. According to “How the Brain Handles Language” by Crystal, D., the lower back part of the frontal lobe also known as the broca’s area is primarily involved in the production of speech while an area in the upper back part of the temporal frontal lobe also known as the Wenicke’s area is mainly responsible for the comprehension of speech.
The way I conceptualize or process meaning is the “why” in any facet of any subject matter. The reasoning or purpose behind something is what I would pertain the meaning to. By understanding the framework behind something and tackling it in chunks or perhaps even associating it with concepts that you may already have an idea of is one way to process meaning. Overall, the readings presented primarily provided insight into the biological aspects of how the brain functions in regards to speech and cognition to me. The intricacy and layered detail that goes into the process of something that is simply regarded as speech or comprehension inspires and allows me to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the human mind.

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