James Jang posted a status
Nov 12, 2024
Journal Entry 3

This past weekend, KASA had their National Pepero Day celebration. David and I had attended the celebration as we are both execs of the student organization. David challenged me to speak only Korean while coordinating the celebration (of course to those who speak Korean). It was very difficult since I wasn't sure how to say certain words related to technology. For example, I had no idea how to say "audio settings" in Korean. David was kind enough to stick by me throughout the event and correct/teach me new words or phrases I needed to use in order to communicate with people and other fellow execs. Despite my struggles to use only Korean, the event was a success! I was very thankful for this learning experience especially since it was in an environment where we had responsibilities to fulfill. I learned that being able to communicate effectively in Korean during work settings is not easy, but it with practice it can help you become much better at speaking Korean.

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  • I've been to a couple of KASA events and they really are a great time to meet others and learn Korean by talking with them! There are also a couple of international students from Korea on campus so it's great to be able to have a conversation in Korean even on campus when I can't meet with my language partner!

  • This is great, Jason had me come to a KASA event in the beginning of the semester and I did a similar task of trying to speak Korean. while this can be daunting I'm glad you were able to use Korean effectively. Practice is key as you mentioned!

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