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Language Learning Journal #1
My first courses in Bahasa Melayu helped me really understand the difference between the different standards of the standard language of Malay. This is some of the clarification I got early! Standard Malay is the official language of Malaysia and one
Read more…Cultural Post #3 -- Dialects
Something I’ve always been interested about with the Korean language are the different dialects it has. The Seoul accent is known as the “standard Korean” and the accent that most people here in Korean dramas or movies. There’s not much change in int
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Due to everything we’ve been working on, we finally built up to working on conversational skills. In the past couple of lessons, we started to try having conversations between us, without a script, in which she would ask me a couple of questions and
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The past couple of weeks set the stage and foundation of my word bank and sentence structure knowledge, so we started to move in the direction of conversation. My instructor printed out a two-page conversation about topics that we previously covered—
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Now looking back, I realized we went a little bit backwards, but if anything, I think it worked out because these past couple weeks we worked on particles—the unit I found the most challenging and struggled with the most during the fall semester. The
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During winter break, I continued practicing reading in Korean and watching Korean variety shows to keep up with what I learned during the fall semester. Though I could read—albeit, at a very slow pace—I didn’t completely understand what I was reading
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Dr. William C. Stokoe, Jr., former English professor at Gallaudet University, is globally recognized as the creator of the linguistic study for sign languages used by the deaf. He moved to Washington D.C. in 1955 and began teaching at Gallaudet after
Read more…Discussion Post #10 - Due by 5pm on Sunday, April 11
Imagine that you have received a research grant to conduct a linguistic study of your target language and culture. How would you get started, and what would you investigate? How would different structural components presented in class appear in your
Read more…Discussion Post #9 - Due by 5pm on Sunday, April 4
How have you started writing in the target language? Do you prefer to type or write free hand? Have you started to see patterns emerge in the structures between words, clauses, and sentences? What is the relationship between simple and complex senten
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This is my fourth and final language learning journal entry for the semester. Looking back on the last three months, I am incredibly proud of how far I have come, from being a complete beginner who was under the misconception that ASL was somehow a u
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As we approach the beginning of April, I feel like I am at a point in my language learning journey where for the first time, I can proudly say that I am able to comprehend and communicate in basic ASL. Just recently, my friends and I went to watch th
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In the class, I have also learned some very important dates in Korean history. For example, 삼일 운동. The March 1st Movement, also known as the Sam-il (3-1) Movement 삼일 운동 was a protest movement by Korean people and students calling for independence fro
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In the previous classes, I have learned the case particles but the only special particle introduced so far is the topic particle 은 and 는. What distinguishes case particles from special particles lies in their functions. While the primary function of
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