
In the first week of class, I reviewed some vocabulary words which were mainly used in school. It was actually really important to learn these words because these words were pretty common to use in school. I also practiced how to type these Korean vocabulary words with my computer. It took me a while to finish typing but I thought my typing improved a lot since I kept practicing it during the break. Also, I have also learned how to use these vocabulary words in a daily conversation. 

School 학교        Education 교욱

Kindergarden 유치원     Elementary school 초등학교

Middle school 중학교     High school 고등학교

college/university 대학(교)   Graduate school 대학원

Student 학생       Kindergartener 유치원생

Elementary schooler 초등학생--------- 초딩   Middle schooler 중학생--------- 중딩

High schooler 고등학생-------- 고딩 College student 대학생-------- 대딩

고시원     고시텔 (better than 고시원)

grade/year 학년 (sino korean)

1st grade/year 일학년      2nd grade/year             이학년

3rd grade/year 삼학년       4th grade/year 사학년

When using grade/year, use it with school instead of schooler

Major 전공      Minor 부전공

Department ~과       Literature 문학

Science 과학                    Biology             생물

Chemistry 화학        Physics 물리

Medical science 의학                   Mathematics 수학      

Computer science 공학       Business administration 경영학

Homework 숙제        Exam 시험       

Textbook 교과서      Class 수업       

Classroom 교실         Lecture 강의

Vacation ~방학        Spring

Summer 여름          Autumn 가을

Winter 겨울         score/grade 성적

Score/points 점수     Counter for score/points ~점 (sino korean)

Professor 교수(님)

For next week, I learned about the conversation about students’ major and minor. So I believe these vocabulary words are very essential for me to learn in order to have a better understanding of the conversation. Moreover, I think I can read much faster if I get to know more vocabulary words. Base on the vocabulary words that I have learned last week, I was able to read these texts much faster and understand the conversation.

Person A: 안녕하세요! 오랜만에 보네요!                    Person A: Hello! Long time no see!

Person B: 안녕하세요! 잘 지냈어요?                         Person B: Hello! How are you?

Person A: 네, 잘 지내고 있어요. 이번 학기에는 좀 바빠서 피곤하지만, 열심히 하고 있어요.

Person A: Yes, you are doing well. I'm a little busy this semester, so I'm tired, but I'm working hard.

Person B: 저도 엄청 피곤하고 힘들지만, 그래도 괜찮아요!

Person B: I'm very tired and hard too, but it's okay!

Person A: 다행이네요! 이번 학기에는 어느 수업들을 듣고 있나요?

Person A: That's good! Which classes are you taking this semester?

Person B: 이번에는 화학, 의학, 그리고 수학 수업을 듣고 있어요.

Person B: This time I'm taking chemistry, medicine, and math classes. 

Person A: 와, 의학 수업은 어렵다고 들었는데, 어떤가요?

Person A: Wow, I heard that medical class is difficult, how is it?

Person B: 정말로 어려워요. 과학 수업들이 어렵다고 듣긴 했지만, 들어보니까 많이 어렵더라고요. 

Person B: It's really difficult. I heard that science classes were difficult, but it was very difficult when I heard them.

Person A: 아, 그래도 열심히 해요! 파이팅! 다른 수업들은 어때요?

Person A: Oh, but still work hard! fighting! How about the other classes?

Person B: 다른 수업들은 재미있어요! 수학은 제가 원래 좋아하는 수업이여서 재밌어요. A님은 이번 학기에 무슨 수업을 듣고있나요?

Person B: The other classes are fun! Mathematics is my favorite class, so it's fun. What class is A taking this semester?

Person A: 저는 컴퓨터공학, 영문학, 음악 수업을 듣고 있어요.

Person A: I'm taking computer science, English literature, and music classes. 

Person B: 아 맞다, 컴퓨터공학 전공이죠?

Person B: Oh right, computer science major?

Person A: 네, 정말로 힘들고, 어렵고, 시간이 엄청 오래 걸리지만, 코딩 하나가 잘 되면 엄청난 뿌듯함을 느껴요!

Person A: Yes, it's really hard, it's difficult, and it takes a lot of time, but it feels like a lot of pride when you're good at coding!

Person B: 다행이에요!

Person B: Good thing!

Person A: 고마워요! B님도 좋아하는 수업이 있어서 너무 다행이에요! 이번 학기에도 잘 하고, 나중에 또 봐요!

Person A: Thank you! I'm so fortunate that B has a favorite class! Do well this semester, and see you later!

Person B: 고마워요! 나중에 봐요!

Person B: Thank you! See you later!

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  • I did the same thing for my lesson, which probably means we had the same language instructor Jenna! How did you feel when you were reading the script or learning the new vocabulary words? I remember it took a really long time in trying to get through the script at first for me and we spent hours going over it over and over again, and even then I went over it by myself or with friends after the lesson ended. I found the script to be extremely helpful, in my opinion, on the conversational interactions and how to respond to certain questions or carry on a conversation.

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