In a study of the Portuguese language and cultures, I would want to compare and contrast the different nations that speak Portuguese. Since the Portuguese Empire colonized communities dispersed all over the globe, the language is also spread across the world. I would love to look at the differing accents between the countries such as Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique, and others. By using historical resources, it could be possible to see how each country has developed independent of each other. I think it would also be interesting to gather the different perspectives of each countries' societies regarding their history as Portugal's colonies. Do some hold more resistance? Do some embrace the difficulty? How does each culture define themselves differently, while still holding on to one thing that brings them together: the Portuguese language.

In order to study the cultures of the countries that speak Portuguese, I would need to fully immerse myself in their culture and remain very culturally aware of the differences and challenges that may arise. In response to discussion #8’s interview with Prof. Harrison, I would need to document the perspectives and findings from the people’s perspectives. I could even have the people of the countries document themselves in order to get a very unbiased perspective.

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  • Thanks for the sharing, Alana. I find your subject matter very interesting on investigating different nations that speak the same language and combine the history comparison in your research. As for my research, I would want to do similar thing such as, learning different Korean dialects, how they developed and the origin of Korean. But for mine, i think the difference won't be as significant as yours I believe. 

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