My Learning Plan
Learner Name: Alana Dickson |
Semester: Spring 2020 |
Language: Portuguese |
Course: SDLC 105 & 110 |
Where are you now? What can you do? What do you know?
Use the Levels of Competence document and the LinguaFolio® checklists to assess your current abilities in your language. For more information, see the SDLAP Wiki.
Interpersonal Communication
Beginner - 0
Interpretive Listening
Beginner - 1
Interpretive Reading
Beginner - 1
Presentational Speaking
Beginner - 0
Presentational Writing
Beginner - 0
What is your ultimate goal? What is your goal for this semester?
What do you want to be able to do with this language at the end of this semester and in the future?
My ultimate goal is to be able to speak basically so I have a base in the event I am immersed in the language/culture. I would also like to be able to refine my Portuguese accent. I would like to learn some vocabulary words relating to dentistry as well.
What tasks will you complete and what activities will you do this semester to meet your goals? How will you document and evaluate your progress?
Novice learners should consult the ‘Language Tasks’ page of the SDLAP Wiki and incorporate the required tasks in their learning. Be as specific as possible when planning activities, e.g., “I will watch YouTube videos to learn how to talk about the family.” or “I will consult a grammar text to learn about possessives.” Make sure you include some tasks that are relevant to your interests, e.g., “I will learn to understand soccer commentary.” or “I will learn to talk about the stock market.” Culture and language are, of course, inseparable. It is expected that all your language will be culturally appropriate and that every task will contribute to your cultural competence.
Task 1 |
I will relearn the alphabet. |
Type of Task |
X Interpersonal Communication ___ Presentational Speaking |
What do I need to learn to complete this task? (goal) |
I need to listen to youtube videos and practice with Gabi and Dixon with spelling and listening in order to be able to pronounce properly. |
How will I learn? (learning activities and resources) |
Through listening and spelling out words and sentences à YouTube, Gabi, Dixon. I will use handwriting in order to practice writing. |
How will I document what I have learned? (artifacts) |
I can have Gabi and Dixon quiz me on spelling tests in order to show my understanding the alphabet. |
How well can I accomplish this task? (self-assessment) |
I will be able to accomplish this towards the beginning of my learning. In order to write and read, I need to understand the alphabet. |
Task 2 |
I want to refine my Portuguese accent. |
Type of Task |
X Interpersonal Communication X Presentational Speaking |
What do I need to learn to complete this task? (goal) |
I will listen to videos, songs, and people in order to mimic and develop the accent. |
How will I learn? (learning activities and resources) |
I will talk with Dixon and Gabi, watch Portuguese shows, and listen to music. I can use both SCOLA and potentially Netflix in order to watch shows. |
How will I document what I have learned? (artifacts) |
I will be able to qualitatively track myself speaking with Dixon and Gabi. I will also keep track of how confident I feel when I speak, because the better I can do the accent, the more confident I will be. |
How well can I accomplish this task? (self-assessment) |
Hopefully by meeting with both Dixon and Gabi, I will be able to improve greatly. |
Task 3 |
I will be able to order food in Portuguese. |
Type of Task |
X Interpersonal Communication X Presentational Speaking |
What do I need to learn to complete this task? (goal) |
I need to learn ordering vocabulary and become confident enough to speak the language in front of people. |
How will I learn? (learning activities and resources) |
I need to learn and practice "ordering" vocabulary like “Can I have...” “Could you bring me...” I can practice with Gabi. |
How will I document what I have learned? (artifacts) |
Ordering food with Gabi and Nadiya at a Portuguese restaurant. |
How well can I accomplish this task? (self-assessment) |
I can accomplish this, but I think my biggest obstacle will be feeling confident enough to speak to people other than Dixon and Gabi in Portuguese. |
Task 4 |
I would like to earn about Brazilian Portuguese food. |
Type of Task |
X Interpersonal Communication ___ Presentational Speaking |
What do I need to learn to complete this task? (goal) |
I will read about the recipes and their history. I will need to have supplies in order to make the food. |
How will I learn? (learning activities and resources) |
Gabi tells me what recipes and foods she likes, so I will google and read more about them. I can find recipes online as well. |
How will I document what I have learned? (artifacts) |
Taking photos of the food we make / eat. |
How well can I accomplish this task? (self-assessment) |
If I am able to make the food and read the recipe in Portuguese that would be neat |
Task 5 |
I want to be able to write a Thank You letter |
Type of Task |
___ Interpersonal Communication ___ Presentational Speaking |
What do I need to learn to complete this task? (goal) |
I will learn basic vocabulary and sentence structures. |
How will I learn? (learning activities and resources) |
I will be able to write through reading the Living Language Ultimate Portuguese, practice writing, and learning vocabular. |
How will I document what I have learned? (artifacts) |
I will write thank you notes to Dixon and Gabi. |
How well can I accomplish this task? (self-assessment) |
I will be able have Dixon and Gabi read it, and tell me it makes sense. I will put a lot of time and effort into them, because it means a lot to me that they are working with me. |
Task 6 |
I would like to learn more about the culture. |
Type of Task |
___ Interpersonal Communication ___ Presentational Speaking |
What do I need to learn to complete this task? (goal) |
I need to read articles and maybe listen to podcasts and watch videos on certain aspects of culture. |
How will I learn? (learning activities and resources) |
I will use some of the books Dixon used for our Luso-Brazilian Studies course, and watch videos. I would also like to keep up with the current Amazon deforestation. |
How will I document what I have learned? (artifacts) |
I can write notes down from what I read in an organized manner in order to show I have put in effort to learn about the culture. |
How well can I accomplish this task? (self-assessment) |
I think I will be able to accomplish this task, because I genuinely do want to learn about Portuguese culture. |
Task 7 |
I want to learn more common, casual phrases. |
Type of Task |
X Interpersonal Communication X Presentational Speaking |
What do I need to learn to complete this task? (goal) |
I need to watch current shows or movies. Gabi can also tell me common phrases. |
How will I learn? (learning activities and resources) |
I will use SCOLA again, as well as Gabi in order to learn everyday casual sayings. |
How will I document what I have learned? (artifacts) |
I will be able to write down the phrases in order to remember them. I can also record myself in order to remember how to pronounce. |
How well can I accomplish this task? (self-assessment) |
I believe I can accomplish this task, because I want to not be so formal in speaking. I would like to have a relaxed manner. |
Task 8 |
Learn Dentistry Vocabulary |
Type of Task |
X Interpersonal Communication ___ Presentational Speaking |
What do I need to learn to complete this task? (goal) |
I need to find vocabulary on dentistry / health. |
How will I learn? (learning activities and resources) |
Gabi's mom is a dentist in Brazil, so she said her mom can send her a list of words she uses on a daily basis. I can use Quizlet. |
How will I document what I have learned? (artifacts) |
I will have the words on Quizlet, as well as on paper in order to have the vocabular accessible |
How well can I accomplish this task? (self-assessment) |
I believe I can accomplish this task, because the vocabulary is memorization and recognition. |
In addition to posting your learning plan to the Ning, provide a brief commentary describing how you have organized your self-directed learning plan. What have you learned so far? Have you identified resources and textbooks to promote your task-based objectives? How will your studies allow you to investigate your target language and culture more deeply? What first prompted your interest, and motivated you to start learning? What feedback have you received from your classmates? Dr. Marsh-Soloway will provide written feedback.