
  • Thanks, Adam. The plan is shaping up nicely. One thing to keep in mind is that if you'd like to consider enrollment in SDLC 110 in the future, you'd need to study a language that is not offered in a formal program of courses already at UR. If you want to study French, I'd refer you to the establish French courses. 

    I really like the activity you've designed to compare your pronunciation to renderings you find online. I would stress caution with AI, however. Not all computer-generated pronunciations are reliable- and despite prescribed standards by the Sorbonne, you will definitely encounter dialectal variations. Take a look at these French audio dictionaries and their corresponding reviews:

    As you continue learning, try to narrow down and specify the focus of your studies. For instance, aside from soccer, is there a particular thematic focus to your learning? Try to think of what concrete objectives you wish to address with your French learning. 

    This is a solid start, and I'm excited to see your plan come to fruition!

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