Ian Levy posted a status
Sep 13, 2024
My learning plan:

Main Learning Strategies and Frequencies -
Turkish lessons with my language tutor 2x per week
Weekly meetings for C-LAC in Turkish, which accompany my current history course on World War I in the Middle East
Daily exposure to Turkish media and culture through video and song

Main Learning Materials -
3 core textbooks
- İstanbul Yabancılar İçin Ders Kitabı
- İstanbul Yabancılar İçin Çalışma Kitabı
- A Student Grammar of Turkish

Quizlet Set Folders
- Verbs
- Nouns
- Adjectives
- Frequencies and Quantities
- Common Phrases
- Colors

Turkish documents provided in C-LAC lessons
- Children's stories
- Diaries

Turkish videos and songs

Plan for Progression -
- Follow units in book and take exams as scheduled
- Complete assignments as requested by both C-LAC professor and language tutor
- Practice near-daily speaking, reading, listening, and writing

I created this learning plan based on my experience from rapidly learning German during my junior year of college and beginning Turkish over this past summer. I intended to design a sustainable plan that I would be able to consistently adhere to over the course of a highly strenuous semester, as I realized that I often failed to achieve language learning goals in the past from over-estimating my capabilities to learn relative to my other academic commitments. I already found great success with the listed materials over the summer, and I will consequently continue to utilize them to facilitate my exposure to Turkish language and culture. They permit constant and consistent writing, reading, listening, and speaking practice and include a multitude of cultural and historical references to enhance the given learner's immersion. Coupled with my constructed course, my decision to enroll in a C-LAC section allows for me to further engage with historical and cultural materials that would otherwise be excluded from traditional language instruction and to receive additional feedback on my speaking, reading, and writing abilities. Following my presentation of this plan, I received generally positive feedback from my professor and classmates, and I believe the sole modification that I would make is to minimize the utilization of Quizlet and to subsequently emphasize the acquisition of new vocabulary through practice in Turkish, rather than via translation. However, I believe that it is still a useful tool for accelerating the learning process.

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