Turkish Cultural Post #3

I watched Turkish movie, My Father and My Son (2005). It was really touching and sad that everyone in my class cried. I saw how general relationship between a father and a son is like in Turkey. I can vary person to person, but my language partner said lots of fathers in Turkey are stubborn and quiet. I think it is similar to South Korea. I think dads are expected not to cry and not to show their emotions often. I thought that will cause them to be distressed. In the movie, the son was impulsive and went against his father's order, but after he became a dad, he realized his father's feeling and worries. It can sound typical, but the storyline and acting of the actors made the movie really attractive. I experienced the lives and view of the cities/suburbans in Turkey indirectly through the movie. I think movie is a good method to experience different culture with less price. I will watch Turkish movies more often to improve my listening and learn more about Turkish culture. 

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