SDLC 111: Cultural Post #4

During one of my sessions with my learning partner, we worked on my listening and comprehending skills by watching a Korean show that talked about the happiness level of students in different countries. This topic was really interesting to me, so I wanted to learn more about it. In the show, it said that the happiest country is Mexico, while the least happiest is Turkey. Unfortunately, South Korea came in as the second least happiest country for students. 

The pressure on students, especially in high school, in South Korea is really high because of the College Scholastic Ability Test that determines one’s entry into college. This is really stressful for students because everyone is competing to get into one of the top 3 prestigious SKY schools: Seoul National, Korea, and Yonsei universities. Although there are other universities, these three are the ones that everyone wants to get into because there are known to be increasingly better benefits if one graduates from a SKY school.  

I will be attending one of these universities, Yonsei University, so I am preparing for the challenge (and fun~) that this university will bring! :) 

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