SDLC 105 Learning Journal #5

So far I have used voki to document my learning of the numbers 1-10 in Gujarati. I plan on using voki as well as audacity mp3 to document my learning of the days of the week. Last week I learned that the weekly calendar begins on Monday rather than Sunday (as is demonstrated in Western culture). They are as follows…


Monday: Somvar

Tuesday: Mungervar

Wednesday: Bhudhvar

Thursday: Guruvar

Friday: Shukravar

Saturday: Shuhnivar

Sunday: Ravivar


I was excited to find that all of the endings are in “var” as English endings are “day”. This simplified the learning process. In addition to days of the week, I am eager to create an artifact demonstrating my knowledge of telling time. I am almost excited now as I was when I was five years old and learning to tell the time. I plan on either making a voicethread or using voki as a tool to demonstrate this new information.

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