SDLC 105 Learning Journal #3

One of the most integral gestures in Gujarati culture and greater Indian culture is the saying Namaste.

The traditional way of greeting in India is performed by holding your palms together, as in praying, and saying 'Namaste' [nah-mas-tay] or 'Namaskar' [nah-mas-kar], with a slight bow.

While, the Namaste or Namaskar are Hindu ways of greeting, they are also accepted among all other communities. These other communities, however, also have their own traditional greetings. For instance, among Muslims, the traditional greeting is 'Salaam-Wale-Kum'. Similarly, Sikhs traditionally greet each other by saying 'Sat-Siree-Akaal.' Shaking hands is also an acceptable way to greet people in Gujarati.

In general, Gujarat is conservative about heterosexual physical contact and relationships. If in Gujarati, one should refrain from greeting people with hugs and kisses.


The acceptable way to beckon someone is to hold your hand out, palm downward, and make a scooping motion with fingers. Beckoning someone with a wagging finger, with the palm upward is seen as an authoritarian/ condescending signal, and will be perceived as an insult.

It is not advisable to point to someone with your finger, since that is likely to be interpreted as an accusatory gesture. Use of hand/palm or chin is a more acceptable way of pointing towards someone.

Additionally, standing erect with your hands on your hips is likely to be seen as an aggressive and dominating posture.

Among Indians, it is normal to use one’s hands to gesticulate while talking with someone else. Folded hands, or hands in one's pockets while talking are likely to be perceived as arrogant gestures.

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