State your learning goals for this week and how you went about accomplishing these goals.
My last learning goal consisted of practicing my communication abilities with Bangladeshi people at the Pohela Boishak (Bengali New Year’s) party. I was able to talk to many people at the party and understand them at a faster pace than before. They were really impressed by my speaking! I dressed up in a lot of flowers and vibrant colors for the party. Also at the party, there were many different types of dishes and cultural music. It was a great time!
I also learned about the education system in Bangladesh. It was shocking to learn how the children in Bangladesh do not have the luxury of a free education system as we do in America. Education is only provided to those who can afford it. This is a great issue because it creates a bigger divide between the rich and poor. Those who are facing poverty are ultimately stuck and have great difficulties establishing a better life for themselves.