I can write in Korean but i prefer to type rather than write by hand. This is because I am used to texting my parents or my korean friends which I practice more often. Also, when you are texting the letters are already available plus if you misspell some words, there is always autocorrect that can guide you to write it correctly. But when I handwrite, I am first disappointed by my handwriting because it looks like a elementary schooler trying to write phrases. I found it fascinating how naturally I change my writing style when I am texting adults or my parents and when I am texting my friends.
The sentence structure of Korean is either subject + verb or subject + object + verb. I think the most confusing particles is the difference between 이/가.
The 이/가 are particles that are added to the end of a subject to designated it as the subject of the sentence. For the words that finish with a vowel, 가 is added. So for example: 수지끼가 빵을 먹어요 (suzi-ssi-ga bbang-eul mu-kuh-yo) (suzi is eating bread). 수지 ends with a vowel (ㅣ) so 가 is added after the subject Suzi.
For the words that end with a consonant, 이 is added. For example: 과일이 비싸요 (Gwa-ill-i bi-ssa-yo) (The fruit is expensive). The subject 과일 ends with a consonant (ㄹ) so it adds a 이 to the subject.
My knowledge of different types of vocabulary that is used to communicate in different situations makes me aware that I do lack knowledge compared to native speakers that grew up in South Korea. I think the speech or language I use to talk to my parents or friends is very different to the actual written language that students write in schools. I often find myself sometimes turning words around to describe something either in English or Korean. That is why I find it more comfortable speaking to people who know both languages so I could use Konglish.
In order to improve my writing and block my escape route of Konglish, I will focus more on school based writing when I learn Korean with my language advisor. I will try to write short paragraphs or essays about actual school topics that relate to the society, government, or the environment. This way I can improve in my fluency and be able to master the language completely.
I completely agree with the fact that it’s a lot easier typing than free handwriting. Auto correct is a total life saver when it comes to spelling sometimes. Also, I experienced the same thing about the handwriting struggle! But what has helped me is I look up Korean handwriting styles and try to write copying that rather than trying to copy the standard Korean letters you see in text or charts. Then from there, you’ll start to figure out your own handwriting style.
Hi Rachel. I definitely agree with you that typing in Korean is much easier than writing it by hand. Remembering the spelling of Korean words can be a little tricky so auto-correction comes in clutch. I remember when my mother wanted us to preserve our ability to write Korean by copying and writing the Korean Bible in a notebook. Although it was very burdensome at the time, I think it has somewhat contributed in the retention of Korean I have now.