I really enjoyed my independent studying this semester, and I am surprised at how well I kept on track. I think I have a really good foundation of Catalan if I were to continue learning the language in the future. I worked on my vocabulary, grammar, writing, and some speaking. 

I think I have a solid vocabulary inventory as I choose vocab topics that either are frequently used in conversation (like food, numbers, pastimes), or are relevant to my studies (like political terms). I worked on my speaking with Estevam from Italki, and my vocabulary with my language partner. Although my language partner and I did not work out, I like that aspect of the SDLAP program. 

What really helped me the most was journaling everyday or so. I would just write whatever came to my mind. Oftentimes I would write about what I did that day; and as I am a student and live the pretty typical college life, I got used to many words of things I did each day like “I went to class” or “I had lunch with my friend”, things like that. 

I learned that I am very much a visual learner. Seeing words and phrases on a page helps me much more than hearing them. I also was exposed to different accents and dialects on Catalan as I used a few different tutors throughout the semester. 

I think that being in SDLAP 105 helped me tremendously. Learning things about how we as humans process words and sounds really pushed me to think when I was studying Catalan. I also enjoyed learning about points of articulation and how some languages have sounds that other languages don’t have. I still don’t believe that a non-native speaker will ever sound like a native speaker due to these reasons. There are some sounds in Catalan that I have had trouble articulating but I try to think of voicing and vocal chords, like how we learned about glottal and plosive, or how vowels are continuous unobstructed sounds. I found it interesting to compare the languages we learned about in class to the English language. For example, that African tribe with the clicks was so cool to hear, and I could not imitate them. 

I am very happy with myself and all that I have learned and accomplished this semester, and I know that I will definitely apply the things we learned in SDLAP 105 to speakers and languages I encounter in the future.

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  • The tactic of journaling everyday, and just writing what came to mind and what you were thinking to help "flip" your inner voice to Catalan is a tactic that I want to try with Turkish, I think it will be extremely beneficial. Also, analyzing critically how you learn is very important and I agree that some learning tactics work better than others, especially when you learn visually versus orally.

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