Research Presentation


This presentation discusses the rising concerns of gender inequality in South Korea brought up by a few current events. South Korea has the widest gender gaps in all developed and industrialized countries with high wage gaps and a visible glass ceiling for women. As the #MeToo movement entered South Korea, many vocal celebrities were instead bashed and harassed by the Korean Public for their public presentation of Feminism. The deep-rooted gender bias in the Korean Culture is slowly changing as globalization allows the communication of different views and ideologies, and I am optimistic about it because of these pubic discussions will lead to more awareness and change.


CNN: South Korea’s young men are fighting against feminism

Vice: South Korea's #MeToo Movement Wants to End the 'Epidemic' of Spy Cam Porn

Palley, Marian Lief Palley. (1990). Women's Status in South Korea: Tradition and Change. Asian Survey. Vol 30. No 12. University of California Press. pp 1136 - 1153

Wikipedia: Gender Inequality in South Korea

Preen: Red Velvet's Irene Read a Feminist Book and Male K-Pop fans Are Triggered.

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