Reflect on your experiences as a language learner. What did you enjoy? What did you dislike? Think about the FIRE modeland the surveys you have just completed. What kind of learner are you? What kinds of language learning activities suit your learning style? How do you think you should expand your learning activities?
My primary language of communication with my parents and friends has always been English and despite Hindi being my native language, I only ever spoke it with my grandparents. The reason I enjoyed speaking Hindi with my grandparents is because I was able to better understand the stories that they would share with me about their lives, their past and their hopes. Parts of learning the language that I disliked is that nowadays, Hindi speakers often resort to mixing in words and phrases in English in order to express ideas that require very specific words in Hindi that are hard to remember. As a result, one can often get lazy with remembering words and it is all too easy to resort to English when one can't remember a word in Hindi.
According to the learning survey, I am
Auditory: 30%
Visual: 60%
Tactile: 10%
Visual learning definitely seems to be the best way I learn. Associating words with pictures definitely seems to help me remember them, and I think that I should practice this more while learning Hindi. I plan to do this by watching more videos and the news in Hindi. Speaking also helps me a lot, and I plan to improve on this component with the help of my language partner.