Reflection 1

My previous experiences as a language learner have been quite limited. Growing up my family spoke only English so I had not been exposed to any foreign languages as a child. However, once I got into middle school I began studying Spanish. Throughout the three years I took Spanish in middle school, my learning was very elementary. It was focused around learning simple words pertaining to colors, activities, etc. This same type of approach to learning Spanish continued into high school. The courses were mainly focused on memorization of words and concepts so students did not really spend much time speaking and practicing the language. For me personally, this approach to learning the language was not very effective. When it comes to picking up any skill I tend to learn better when I practice in real time. This being said, we did often study countries where Spanish is the primary language and this really intrigued me. I have always enjoyed learning about history and even though this aspect of the courses did not help me learn the language, it was quite interesting nonetheless. I did not like the constant insistence on memorization without practicing what was memorized. I think a big component to learning any language is memorizing its words and grammatical rules but without sufficient practice in speaking, reading, writing, and listening its hard to really put the knowledge to work. Based off the surveys I was categorized as a visual learner. In my experience in other classes outside of language this description of my learning style seems most accurate. In classes I learn best when I can visually see the subject I am learning. This tends to be in the form of power points or when a professor is drawing concepts on the white board. I think this is because it is easier for me to stay engaged and stimulated in the subject when I can visualize it on my own. The second category that I fell into was an auditory learner. I can also see this being accurate because I enjoy listening to lectures about subjects and talking through problems. I have always been sociable and interested in what people have to say and when I am in the classroom it’s no different. I was ranked as a tactile learner lastly. I tend to be less hands on when I am trying to learn something new so I also agree with this categorization. I would say based on my learning styles, visual presentations would be very helpful in my language learning journey where a person presents the content and I can hear the content be explained. I think my learning activities should be expanded in the sense that during my prior language learning experiences I did not have much practice conversating and practicing the concepts and words I had learned. I think it would be very helpful if this time around I was able to have direct conversation with my instructor and other people who speak the language so that I feel comfortable utilizing the skills I learn. I look forward to employing these strategies while learning Hebrew so that I can learn the language faster and more effectively.

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