This holiday occurred in late February this year (2010). Purim is a festival that celebrates the deliverance of Jews from potential annihilation by Persia's Haman; On this day, we rejoice in our victory over the enemy, Haman. There are many different ways in which people celebrate; however this is essentially a minor holiday in the Jewish calendar. Regardless, there are three prayers that we recite before the reading from the scroll of Ester.
1. Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, Master of the Universe, who sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us regarding the reading of the Megillah. Amen.
2. Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, Master of the universe, who performed miracles for our fathers in those days at this time. Amen.
3. Blessed art thou, lord our god, master of the universe, who has kept us alive and has sustained us and brought us to this season. Amen
Following these prayers, with the Megillah Ester being read, every time Haman is said, people boo.
Another form of celebration is wearing costumes (Minhagim), abrupt shaking of groggers, giving charity to the poor, and eating Hamantaschen!
In my opinion, the costumes and hamantaschen have always been the best part;-)
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