
###correction, this should be post 1, the last one is post2####

I learned a lot from these two pieces of readings. I don’t think language is a purely biological phenomenon, although biology definitely played a major part in it. For speech production, the basic structure of the utterance is generated in Wernicke’s area and sent to Broca’s area for encoding. For speech comprehension, the signals arrive in the auditory cortex and are transferred to the adjacent Wernicke’s area to be interpreted. Different parts of the brain coordinate in the whole process of producing and understanding speech/language. 

Also, I enjoyed reading the example of how would someone explain the meaning of “chair” to someone who hasn’t seen it before. It made me realize that I take a lot of stuff for granted while there is a lot going under to understand even a simple word. The concept of semantic field that can help to organize lexemes into groups definitely gives me some insight on learning the vocabulary of a language.

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