Oct 2

Something that really interest me right now is the Catalonian political atmosphere. Many catalonians believe that they are a people without a state. In recent years, there has been many tensions between the Catalonian Independence Movement and the Spanish Government, due to Catalonians wanting to create their own independent state within Spain. I learned about this when I traveled to Barcelona in 2017. This was definitely another reason why learning Catalan stuck out to me; as I want to be a political science major. I think that learning the Catalan language will open the door to so many more opportunities for study abroad, rather than someone just speaking Spanish. Barcelona would be an ideal location for me because everyone there speaks Catalan and then some speak Spanish. As far as linguistics go, I have good foundational knowledge of Romance Languages due to my language journey in Spanish that has been going on for about 8-9 years now. Grammer has been much easier for me to learn with Spanish in my back pocket-- because I remember really struggling when I first started learning Spanish grammar because we don't have anything similar in English. 

I definitely need to become more confident in speaking with an "accent" which is something I am working on. I think just speaking with confidence really will make a big deal when talking to native speakers.

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  • I may want to start learning some political terms in Catalan.

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