In Punjabi there are multiple forms of formality. I think the most notable is when you are talking to grandparents. For instance when I see my grandfather on my dad's side I say Sat sri akal baba g the notable part of this is the "g" at the end. The g is a sign of respect to elders, usually you use it when you are talking to religious elders and or someone you respect. "baba" still means grandfather but is less formal, after I say baba g I tend to use baba the rest of the day just because it is easier to say in conversation and my grandfather knows I respect him (I hope). This also applies for my grandmother who I call "matha g" or "bibi g" just depends on the day. The general move is to address clear elders like this however when you call your parents or uncles you just use their respective names like thya for your father's older brother. You can say thya g however it is rare.
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