For my culture project, I have decided to explore the Korean school system. I'm planning to focus on middle and high school, but I touch upon college as well. I became interested in learning about the Korean school system after watching short documentary on the pressures that high school students face during their time in middle and high school. I've heard a Korean student's school day can be roughly around 18 hours per day. As an American, I feel that 18 hours a day is way too much. Students go to school and continuing studying throughout the day. Some attend cram schools after their regular school. Others have tutors. This type of learning is very foreign to me and I want to investigate the topic more. I hope that it will help me understand the similarities and the differences between American and Korean youths. Korea also has one of the highest suicide rates. I'd also like to explore whether the Korean school system and pressure affects Korea's suicide rates. 

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