MLC 105 Learning Journal #9

After discussing the idea of "cultural competence" in class, I felt that I had gained a pretty solid understanding of the concept. Basically, 'cultural competence' refers to the ability to effectively converse with people of different languages through such venues as language, entertainment, formalities, governmental issues, and common, day-to-day interactions.

However, wanting to learn more about this idea, I decided to do some further research of my own. For example, I learned that the concept of cultural competence is actually defined by four components. First, there is what is defined as 'awareness of one's own cultural worldview." Second, there is the matter of a person's initial and gradual attitude towards people of different cultures. Third, there is what scholars refer to as "knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews." And, finally, the fourth component is what is defined as "cross-cultural" skills. Therefore, a person's development of cultural competence essentially relies on these attributes.

While I don't believe I am quite culturally competent in any other culture besides my inherent American one, I hope that soon I can consider myself to be at least adequately competent with certain Spanish cultures. My speech and writing is definitely improving, and I'm finding it much easier to keep up with my Spanish-speaking friend. As long as I keep working, I should be able to achieve this "cultural competence."

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