MLC 105 Learning Journal #8

After reading H.D. Brown's essay on "communicative competence," I found myself discovering that, in order to truly understand a complete, second language, one must be aware of the respective world/culture that surrounds it. As the article states, "this new wave of interesting brings social constructionist perspectives into central focus and draws our attention to language as interactive communication among individuals, each with a sociocultural identity." Therefore, I've learned that a person can not simply learn the linguistics of a foreign language and then expect to have the new tongue mastered. Rather, a true learner must immerse themselves in the sociocultural dimensions of the language, with research focusing upon such things as discourse, interaction, pragmatics, and negotiation. Without this broader understanding of the subject at hand, in its entirety, a person will probably never fully understand another language. It is a long, careful process that requires constant effort and evolution. Now, I must remember these helpful suggestions as I continue to improve upon my Spanish...along with any other foreign language I may encounter in the future.

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