In researching the history of the origins of language, I learned a great deal about such often enigmatic occurrences. Accordingly, while the origins of human language remain to be obscure, the origin of individual languages has been the subject of very precise study over the past two centuries. For example, there are roughly five thousand languages being spoken in the world today (a third of which are spoken in Africa). However, despite this mass variety, linguistics scholars still tend to group them together into roughly twenty different categories, sometimes causing confusion and overlapping.
In addition, these languages are linked to each other through shared words, sounds, or grammatical constructions. Generally, the theory is that the members of each linguistic group have descended from one language, a common ancestor. Furthermore, the most widespread group of languages found in the world today is the Indo-European, which is spoken by over half of the planet's population. Interestingly, this language is believed to have descended from a single tribe of nomads who had once roamed the plains of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.
Moreover, I learned that another important linguistic group is the Semitic family of languages. Like Indo-European, this type of language is believed to have derived from the dialect of an individual nomadic tribe, one that is presumed to have been from Southern Arabia.
Finally, after conducting further research, it became very clear to me that languages have, and will always continue to spread. Their linguistics will always be evolving, and the world and its people will always be suspect to change.