Sindyan Bhandoo's article, "How Immersion Helps to Learn Language," was just full of great, encouraging information. Speaking of this, the article not only endowed me with a significant amount of necessary guidance concerning how I can improve upon my personal process of learning foreign languages, but concluded its text with the wonderful prediction that such type of cognitive studies "also could or should help in rehabilitation of people with traumatic brain injury." I know this latter piece of information is a potential medical milestone, considering how difficult recovery can be for the victims of these kinds of serious brain conditions.
Furthermore, while, admittedly, I had already wanted to make such a trip purely for the fun of it, this 'immersion' article only further inspired me to plan an excursion to a Central or South American Spanish-speaking country. By traveling there and having the opportunity to truly 'immerse' myself in an unadulterated experience of Spanish culture, I believe that I would be able to adopt the language much more efficiently. Although I have definitely made some beneficial strides this semester and because of this class, I still feel, unfortunately, as though I am a far way from the point where I really want to be. Therefore, I plan on not only continuing my studies in the most effective ways I have tried thus far, but to also make an earnest attempt to 'immerse' myself within a setting of Spanish culture and language. If I could eventually communicate (properly and naturally) with the natives there, then I would officially be able to call myself a bi-linguist. However, until then, I am but a mere pretender. :(