
In order to improve my reading skills, I also used the actual weather forecast news as my reading material. The news’ title is [오늘 날씨] 전국 흐리고 곳곳에 또는 .. 기온 높아 포근’ which means [Today's Weather] Cloudy nationwide, rain or snow everywhere...

The news is not too long. However, it contains a lot of words that are not common in our daily conversation. For example,

  • 산지- a mountainous area
  • 전망-view
  • 예상강수량- expected rainfall
  • 제외-exception
  • 남부지방-southern region
  • 예상적설량- expected snowfall
  • 최저기온-lowest temperature
  • 최고기온-highest temperature 
  • (대기)-air quality
  • 원활하다 -smooth
  • 확산-diffusion
  • 강수-rainfall
  • 영향-effect
  • 청정하다-clean
  • 각별하다-particular
  • 유의-caution
  • 흐려요 - cloudy 
  • 추워요 - cold
  • 맑아요 - fine
  • 더워요 - hot
  • 습해요 - humid
  • 해나요 - sunny
  • 따듯해요 - warm
  • 바람 불어요 - windy

After learning the vocabulary, my language partner also assigned me homework which was to translate the news without using a dictionary. Since I was not that familiar with the location’s name in Korean, the homework was a little hard. For example, 기상청은 29 전국이 대체로 흐리겠으며 30일까지 강원영동과 경북동해안에 비가 오겠다고 28 예보했다 means “The Meteorological Administration predicted on the 28th that the whole country will be cloudy on the 29th and that it will rain on the Gangwon Yeongdong and Gyeongbuk East coasts by the 30th.” There are also a lot of location names in the following sentences, such as 예상강수량은 30일까지 강원 영동·경북 동해안·울릉도·독도 5~30, 제주도 5~20(Estimated precipitation is 5 to 30 mm in Yeongdong, Gangwon, east coast of Gyeongbuk, Ulleungdo, and Dokdo by the 30th, and 5 to 20 mm in Jeju). Thank to these locations, I had a chance to learn a lot about cities and locations in Korea.

  • Gangwon-do (강원도): Gangwon is a mountainous, forested province in northeast South Korea. Gangwon-do's Köppen climate classification's climate class is sometimes humid subtropical, because in some of its areas, especially in most of Yeongdong, it's Cfa. Otherwise, its climate class is Hot-summer humid continental climate, because it's Dwb in some mountain areas, Dfa in eastern areas, Dfb in eastern mountain areas, and Dwa otherwise. The Taebaek Mountains cause different climates in Yeongdong and Yeongseo.
  • Yeongdong(영동): is the eastern, coastal region of Gangwon Province, South Korea. It is divided from the inland Yeongseo region by the Taebaek Mountains.
  • Gyeongbuk(경북): actually means Gyeongsangbuk-do (경상북도) which is a province in eastern South Korea. 

Not only the new report, but I also learned how to talk about the climate and the current weather conditions in Korean.

  • 너무 더워요. = It's so hot!
  • 너무 추워요. = It's so cold!
  • 날시 좋죠? = Nice weather, isn't it?
  • 날시 나쁘죠? = Awful weather, isn't it?
  • 날씨 아주 좋은데요? = What a lovely day!
  • 날씨가 어때요? = What's the weather like?
  • 내일 날씨가 어떨가요? = What will the weather be like tomorrow?
  • 무지개 = rainbow
  • 눈송이 = snowflake
  • 홍수 = flood
  • 안개 = fog
  • 태풍 = hurricane
  • 폭풍 = storm
  • 지진 = earthquake

After this week’s class, I believe my reading ability improved a lot. I am able to read long articles much faster than before, even though I don’t know every single word in the article.

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