This semester I made a huge progress on reading and speaking. I tried to read as much as possible in order to improve my reading speed. I used to spend a lot of time on reading because it took me a while to think of the Korean alphabet. Now, I practiced with my language parter Jenna during the class. From daily conversation to weather forecast, I am able to read the whole sentence and understand most part of it.
Now I can read and understand the daily conversation fast. Below is one conversation that I have learned during the class. And my task was to read it to my language partner and translate it by myself. I think it is really interesting to do things like this.
Conversation #1:
Person A: 안녕하세요. 잘 지냈어요?
Hello, how are you recently?
Person B: 안녕하세요. 저는 잘 지냈어요. 이번 주말에 시간이 있으면, 저랑 같이 영화를 볼래요?
Hi, I am doing well. Are you available for this weekend? If so, do you want to watch the movies together with me.
Person A: 좋아요! 어느 영화를 볼까요?
Yes! What kind of movie do you want to watch?
Person B: 영화 ‘조커'는 어떠세요?
How about the movie ‘Joker’?
Person A: 저는 좋아요! 어느 날에 만날까요?
I am good with it! When should we meet then?
Person B: 수요일 밤은 어떠세요? How about Wednesday night?
Person A: 목요일에 시험이 있어서 수요일 밤에는 시험공부를 해야되요. 수요일 밤은 안 될것 같아요.
I have test on Thursday so I have to study on Wednesday night. I am afraid I can do it on Wednesday night.
Person B: 그렇다면 금요일 밤은 어떠세요?
Then, how about Friday night?
Person A: 금요일 밤은 괜찮아요! 그러면 영화를 보기전에, 저녁을 먹을까요?
Friday night works for me! If so, then should we have dinner together before watching the movie?
Person B: 네, 좋아요! 그러면 몇시에 만날까요?
Yes, sounds good! Then what time should we meet?
Person A: 레스토랑 앞에서 6시쯤에 만날까요?
Can we meet at 6 in front of the restaurant?
Person B: 네! 6시에 봐요!
Yes! I will see you at 6!
When I tried to translate the conversation, I realized that English and Korean are really different on many aspects. There are some words in Korean that I can find a match in Chinese but not in English. I think this is one reason that when I chat with my Korean friends, I knew the Korean word better than the English word sometimes.
Since this kind of reading can help my reading, speaking and also translating skills, we decided to pay a lot of attention on such activities for the following weeks. And also, the difficulty of reading will increase gradually. The reason of choosing daily conversation as our first task to do is because we think it is more common. I am more familiar with it since I have watched a lot of k-drama and shows. So, I believe after this task, I am able to have short daily conversation in Korean.(I actually did it in Korean airport because of the following conversation I learned during the class)
Situation #2: Person A and B are at a Korean restaurant, and they are trying to order food.
Employee: 안녕하세요. 음료수는 무엇으로 해드릴까요?= 할까요
Person A: 저는 물 하나 주세요.
Person B: 저도 물 하나 주세요.
Employee: 네, 알겠습니다.
*A few moments later*
Employee: 여기 물 2잔 있습니다. 식사 주문하실래요?
Person A: 저는 김치찌개 하나 주세요.
Person B: 저는 불고기 볶음밥 하나 주세요.
Employee: 네, 알겠습니다.
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