Learning Plan

My Learning Plan

Learner Name: Mallory Haskins

Semester: Spring 2020

Language: Korean

Course: SDLC 105 and 110


Where are you now?  What can you do?  What do you know?

Use the Levels of Competence document and the LinguaFolio® checklists to assess your current abilities in your language.  For more information, see the SDLAP Wiki.

Interpersonal Communication

Beginning 0

Interpretive Listening

Beginning 0

Interpretive Reading

Beginning 0

Presentational Speaking

Beginning 0

Presentational Writing

Beginning 0


I have no prior knowledge of the Korean language.

What is your ultimate goal?  What is your goal for this semester?
What do you want to be able to do with this language at the end of this semester and in the future?

My ultimate goal is to be able to have a very basic conversation in Korean. Something similar to small talk or a conversation like where two people have just met each other for the first time. My goal is to focus on speaking and listening over reading and writing. I would like to be able to introduce myself and get to know someone else on a very basic level. My goals are very centered on interpersonal communication.


What tasks will you complete and what activities will you do this semester to meet your goals?  How will you document and evaluate your progress?


In order to evaluate my progress I have asked Jannette, my language partner, to help me by giving me a weekly quiz (oral and written) and then to hopefully also take some sort of proficiency test with Jannette or an exam she has written.



Novice learners should consult the ‘Language Tasks’ page of the SDLAP Wiki and incorporate the required tasks in their learning.  Be as specific as possible when planning activities, e.g., “I will watch YouTube videos to learn how to talk about the family.” or “I will consult a grammar text to learn about possessives.”  Make sure you include some tasks that are relevant to your interests, e.g., “I will learn to understand soccer commentary.” or “I will learn to talk about the stock market.”  Culture and language are, of course, inseparable.  It is expected that all your language will be culturally appropriate and that every task will contribute to your cultural competence.


Task 1

Learn Hangul and understand how it was created

Type of Task

_X__ Interpersonal Communication     ___ Presentational Speaking
___ Interpretive Listening                   _X__ Presentational Writing
_X__ Interpretive Reading


What do I need to learn to complete this task?  (goal)

In order to take my first step with Korean I must learn the alphabet since it is so different than my own. I will start by searching for online resources like worksheets and watching YouTube videos to learn Hangul.

How will I learn? (learning activities and resources)

I will use YouTube videos (there are many) that instruct me on how to learn Hangul. I have also found a book on amazon called “Korean from Zero” that I will order. The book is very interactive and has lots of practice for me to learn the alphabet. I will also turn to quizlet and other online resources.

How will I document what I have learned?  (artifacts)

I have asked my language partner to give me a weekly quiz (oral and written). Through these quizzes that is up to Jannette to make I will be able to track my progress.

How well can I accomplish this task?  (self-assessment)

I think this task is very plausible and I am more than excited to learn the Korean alphabet. Due to my enthusiasm and the need to learn the foundation of the language along with all of the resources I believe I can do this.



Task 2

Learning how to introduce myself

Type of Task

__X_ Interpersonal Communication     ___ Presentational Speaking
_X__ Interpretive Listening                   ___ Presentational Writing
___ Interpretive Reading


What do I need to learn to complete this task?  (goal)

I must learn the sounds of Korean so that I may be able to start using them to form words. I will also need to learn a bit about the informal and formal forms of Korean so that I am aware of what I am saying. Additionally, I must learn the vocabulary of an introduction. This includes learning how to say my name.

How will I learn? (learning activities and resources)

I will practice this with my workbook I have ordered form amazon. For pronunciation I will especially look to my language partner.

How will I document what I have learned?  (artifacts)

I have asked my language partner to give me a weekly quiz (oral and written). Through these quizzes that is up to Jannette to make I will be able to track my progress. I also plan to try and introduce myself to my friends who speak Korean to see how well I am doing.

How well can I accomplish this task?  (self-assessment)

While I think learning the pronunciation may be hard for me at first I believe with my dedication this task is quite possible.


Task 3

Learn how to describe my family and myself

Type of Task

_X__ Interpersonal Communication     ___ Presentational Speaking
_X__ Interpretive Listening                   ___ Presentational Writing
___ Interpretive Reading


What do I need to learn to complete this task?  (goal)

I will need to learn the vocab associated with a family and lots of adjectives to describe oneself. I want to learn adjectives to describe personality traits such as nice, funny, smart. To do this I must find a vocabulary list online or in my book.

How will I learn? (learning activities and resources)

I will use my book as a resources as well as Quizlet, and Jannette. I will also ask my friends who speak Korean to help me by teaching me words they think describe me in Korean.

How will I document what I have learned?  (artifacts)

I have asked my language partner to give me a weekly quiz (oral and written). Through these quizzes that is up to Jannette to make I will be able to track my progress. I also plan to try and introduce myself to my friends who speak Korean to see how well I am doing.

How well can I accomplish this task?  (self-assessment)

I am a little concerned finding a list of words or videos specifically on describing my personality may be challenging but I know I will be able to find appropriate resources.


Task 4

Learn how to tell time and the date

Type of Task

_X__ Interpersonal Communication     ___ Presentational Speaking
___ Interpretive Listening                   ___ Presentational Writing
___ Interpretive Reading


What do I need to learn to complete this task?  (goal)

I will need to learn the vocabulary for the days of the week and numbers. My goal is to learn the numbers from 1-30 first and then hopefully more from there.

How will I learn? (learning activities and resources)

I will refer to my book, quizlet, worksheets Jannette provides, and Jannette.

How will I document what I have learned?  (artifacts)

I have asked my language partner to give me a weekly quiz (oral and written). Through these quizzes that is up to Jannette to make I will be able to track my progress. I also plan to try and introduce myself to my friends who speak Korean to see how well I am doing.

How well can I accomplish this task?  (self-assessment)

I am confident I can learn this topic as it is very important and standard information. There should be plenty of resources on it.


Task 5

Read a children’s book with Jannette’s help

Type of Task

___ Interpersonal Communication     ___ Presentational Speaking
___ Interpretive Listening                   ___ Presentational Writing
_X__ Interpretive Reading


What do I need to learn to complete this task?  (goal)

I asked Jannette to find or bring her favorite Korean children’s book from her childhood. Together we have agreed to try and read the book together. I will need a book for this task.

How will I learn? (learning activities and resources)

This task requires mostly Jannette’s help as we go through the text together.

How will I document what I have learned?  (artifacts)

I will document this by seeing if I retain any of the reading or speaking vocabulary of the book. After we read it for the first time I will read it again once more a week later to see how my retention holds up.

How well can I accomplish this task?  (self-assessment)

This will be a harder task but Jannette and I are confident we can do it. This may take a long time but I would really like to complete this project.

In addition to posting your learning plan to the Ning, provide brief commentary describing how you have organized your self-directed learning plan. What have you learned so far? Have you identified resources and textbooks to promote your task-based objectives? How will your studies allow you investigate your target language and culture more deeply? What first prompted your interest, and motivated you to start learning? What feedback have you received from your classmates?

I have organized my plan base don past language classes I have taken before and what topics i have truly enjoyed. I chose to focus on interpersonal communication and introductory topics because I find those to be the most necessary to know. So far I have learned Hangul with Jannette's help. On Sunday when we meet she will quiz me. I have bought the book "Korean from Zero" on amazon. My presentation which I have linked below also identifies other resources I have found. Jannette also knows I really want to learn Korean culture too so we have made a plan to watch K dramas and talk about Korean culture when we meet as well. My classmates will help me by sharing what activities they do with their language partners and any resourceful they may use. 

In-class presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uFlvZkvEvVAc4uT9HDwBVNZHOrKBSQpWm4buKjy3_TY/edit?usp=sharing

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