This two weeks of learning we looked at another article that talked about the unfolding corona virus in South Korea. This article described the key incident that greatly exacerbated the pandemic in South Korea, which is the 신건지 신도a cult based in Daegu 대구. The title of this article is “대구 신천지 신도 1016명 중 833 명, 코로나 확진,” which means that out of the 1016 believers of the Daegu sinchonji cult, 833 member have been confirmed of corona virus.
This article highlight the significance of this number as it has been scientifically proven that people without symptoms 무증상 can also pass the virus on to others, means that this will cause a faster spread and a lot of people in Daegu infected. 27일 신천지 대구교회는 전날 오후 8 시를 기준으로, 1 차 코로나 19 검사를 받은 1848 명 중 833 명이 양성, 183 명이 음성 판정을 받았다고 전했다. On the 27th 8pm, Daegu Sincheonji church reported the 1848 members of the cult who had the first corona testings, 833 tested positive and 183 tested negative. Which means a 82% of confirmed rates (1 차 점사 검과가 나온 1016명 중 82% 가 확진 판정을 받은 것.)
The article interviewed the head of Daegu’s doctors association Min Bokgi who said “증상이 없는 대구 신천지 신도들의 겨우 무작위로 검사했는데 무증상자인 경우에도 예상 외로 아마 확진이 나오는 경우가 많을 것 갈다" 며 "지금 검사가 많이 들어가 있는 상황이라서 이보다 몇 배 이상 (확진자가) 증가될 것" 이라고 전망했다.” This means that they have only tested people randomly at Sincheonji church for people without symptons, and since the virus can spread that way they expect the numbers to continue to increase.
Words that I took note of:
신도 believer
무증상no symptoms (loan words from Chinese 无症状 wú zhèng zhuàng)
판정 cases
경우 situation
의임 suspected / suspicion
의사 doctors
증가 increase