In today’s class we looked at the 2020 new Korean slangs:
얼죽코 (얼어죽어도 코트)
Doesn’t matter when it is, I want cold [Ice Coffee]
This slang is a reference to one slang we learnt last year 얼죽아: 얼어죽어도 아이스 아메리카노, which means doesn’t matter when I want Ice Americano. I think this really reflects on the how much Korean people love coffee.
최최차차 (최애는 최애고 차은우는 차은우다)
My favorite is my favorite and Cha eunwoo is Cha eunwoo.
This is a reference to a very famous celebrity Cha eunwoo in South Korea who is known to be very good looking and is everyone’s favorite. So this can be used in a situation when you said someone is your favorite celebrity/person/idol/actor etc. and someone will ask “I thought Cha eunwoo was your favorite?” And one will reply with 최최차차, meaning that Cha eunwoo is different.
삼귀다 (사귀다보다는 덜하지만 가까운 사이)
Close to dating, but not really.
존맛탱 (존나 맛있는 탱 ) à JMT
Very delicious food.
This is an expression for after eating something very delicious .
밍스밍스 (밍밍 )
This is like ㅠㅠwhich is used to resemble the sound you make when you’re sad in text.
Too much passion
This is definitely one of my favorite Korean slangs, and it is created from TMI. This is used to illustrate people who shows way too much energy and passion in things.
뜨아 (뜨거운 아메리카노)
An abbreviation for Hot Americano.
아아 (아이스 아메리카노)
An abbreviation for Ice Americano
법 블레스유
The law saved you
This is an internet slang used to express anger toward someone or something, and it is used to explain that the law saved your because it stopped me from committing a crime.
뜨또 (Justin bieber’s tattoo)
This is also one of my favorite ones. Justin Bieber tattooed his name in Korean on his arm which says 비버 but one of the photos showed the tattoo sideways which looked like 뜨또.
롬곡옾높 (upside down 폭풍눈물)
Another Korean slang that plays with the shape of the characters. 롬곡옾높 is the word 폭풍눈물 upside down. It just became trendy as it can be read from either way.
소확행 (소소하지만 확실한 행복)
Small but Happy. This is used to explain something that though it might be small or look insignificant but it brings tremendous amount of happiness, like eating tteokbboki or buying a small present etc.