Learning Journal 3

During the third week of our class, we have decided as a group to learn the basic conversation used in Restaurants. I think this would be very useful because I am planning to travel to South Korea with my family in the near future, and I also get to practice conversing in Korean here in Richmond. Me and my friends often visits local Korean restaurants such as New Grand Mart and Korean Garden, and previously I have always wanted to try to converse with the owners in Korean but wasn’t confident enough and did not know the phrasing exactly. Now through this class with Brenda, I will definitely attempt to practice these phrases and memorize food related vocabularies.




Excuse me! (Calling the waiter)



Would you like to order?


불고기 2인분 주세요.

Two orders of Bulgogi please!



Yes Sir/ma’am!


이 근처에 맛있는 한국 식당 있어요?

Is there a good Korean restaurant nearby?


메뉴 주세요.

May I please have a menu?


여기 서 제일 인기 있는 음식이 뭐예요?

What is the most popular dish here?


여기 서 제일 맛있는게 뭐예요?

What is the most delicious dish here?


주문 할게요.

I’d like to order. / We are ready to order.


삼계탕 하고 비빔밥 주세요.

We’ll have (one) Samgyetang and (one) Bibimbap please.


고추장 더 주세요.

Please give us more Gochujang.


계산서 주세요!

I will pay now.




반찬Side Dishes, 음식이 Dish/food,

물Water, 돼지고기Pork, 후추Pepper

젓가락Chopsticks, 숟가락Spoon

맛있어요Delicious, 아재임 맛 Old People Taste

계산 Pay

육개장 Yukgyejang Spicy Beef Soup, 짜장면 Jjajangmyeon Black Bean Noodle, 짬뽕 JjamBbong Seafood Noodle, 삼계탕 Samgyetang Ginseng Chicken Soup, 비빔밥 Bibimbap Korean Mixed Rice


We mimicked a situation in class, where Brenda led us through the steps of ordering food at a Korean Restaurant, allowing us to practice the phrases we have learnt. After this class. I went to New Grant during the weekend, and managed to order 짜장면 in Korean. I will continue to practice this when I visit the local Korean Restaurants in Richmond.


Our class on the fourth week allowed me to begin the completion of another Tasks in my learning plan which is to begin labeling the objects in my dorm in Korean to help me improve my vocabularies. We looked at 42 new vocabularies during our session, including “objects in the dormitory”, “country” and “directions”.


냉장고 refrigerator, 베개 pillow, 선풍기fan, 신발 shoes, clothes, 쓰레기통trash can, 옷걸이hanger, 옷장wardrobe, 에어컨air conditioner, 이불blanket, 정수기water purifier, 창문window, 침대 bed, 커튼curtain, cup

한국Republic of Korea, 독일Germany , 러시아Russia, 미국United States of America, 베트남Vietnam, 영국United Kingdom, 인도India, 일분Japan, 중국China, 캐나다Canada, 태국Thailand, 프랑스France, 필리핀Philippines, 호주Australia

여기here, 거기 over there, 저기 over there, inside, outside, inside, within, above, 아래 below, in front of, behind, to the side, 오른쪽 to the right, 왼쪽to the left


Through the process of learning these vocabs, I realized that many of these words might have come from Mandarin Chinese since a lot of the pronunciations of these are really similar.

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